
Forgiveness, Life, and Salvation

Rome says that the Eucharist forgives only venial sins, but not mortal sins. This is absolutely impossible, for through the Eucharist we are receiving Christ.

Rome says that Holy Baptism only forgives original, past, and present, but not future sins. But this is impossible. For through Holy Baptism, we are brought into union with Christ.

Rome says that Absolution is conditional and dependent upon works of contrition. But this is impossible, because no one's works are perfect, but are always tainted with sin. Further, it is impossible to even know all our sins, for our hearts are that deceitful, even after regeneration. 

The bottom line is that, in Roman theology, Christ recedes into the background and ultimately has to be viewed as a mere tack-on.

If we have been united with Christ in Holy Baptism, partake of His Flesh and Blood in the Holy Eucharist, and hear His gracious Words of forgiveness in Holy Absolution, it is impossible for sin to remain. Although it remains in our heart, we are shielded and clothed with Christ Our Righteousness.

All sins are forgiven.

And where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.

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