
"Free" Will???

The common error that those who believe in "free will" make is that they look at passages with words like "choose" and "come" and "whosoever", and then wrongly *assume* that that must mean that they have the *ability* to choose. The Bible nowhere teaches this.
In fact, it teaches quite the opposite. Jesus says no one *can* (ability) come to Him unless the Father draws him. Jesus says none have life except those to whom the Son has revealed Himself. Romans 8:7-8 says that the sinful mind is hostile God, it does not submit to God's Law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the flesh *cannot* please God. Not to mention that the Bible describes the unregenerate as *dead* in sins and trespasses.
Notice, then, that these passages teach that mankind is *accountable* to choose, although they lack the moral ability to do so.
These folks counter by saying "Well then how can God say we are responsible then?"
Scripture declares we are nonetheless accountable. Jesus also commands us to be *perfect*, although none of us can do that. None of us have the ability. But we are still accountable to do so.
Please notice, then, that the only Perfection we will ever have is Christ Himself. And none of us desire Christ unless the Spirit convicts through the law and shows us Christ in the Gospel.
What many of these folks usually do is they say that God draws everyone, then leaves the rest up to man. This is another fundamental error because not only does the Bible nowhere teach this, but it also separates God's Spirit from His Word and His Sacraments. God is always pleased to *draw* people through His preached Word and His Sacraments administered. The Spirit willingly binds Himself to these.

1 comment:

  1. So many are satisfied to drink milk. It is uncommon to find people who chew on such questions long enough to learn that reason and common sense break down when they contradict the word of God. A reader of Lutheran theology will learn this BUT, for most it it simpler: Learn the Scriptures and believe them. As it is written, "Abram believed God and it was reckoned to him a righteousness." It is helpful to have a mature teacher to point our to us that these kind of imperatives (commands) from God carry with them the power to create the thing they command, their accomplishment cannot be done by human means. The commands to BELIEVE, or to BE PERFECT are in the same category as Jesus command, LAZARUS COME FORTH--it is beyond us by flesh alone.
