
Life is hard. The Gospel is easy.

Life never turns out the way we expect. I never expected to be divorced. I never expected financial troubles. I never expected child heartbreak.

But I also never expected the pure Gospel.

The pure Gospel is always outside of you. Always forgiving in gracious Words. Always poured over you. Always placed on your tongue and poured down your throat.

God's gracious Words always come to us through the mouth of the minister and are always effective, regardless of what others think of us. Regardless of even what the minister thinks of us. Regardless of what even we think of the minister.

No matter where you are at in life. No matter how dark your past or present or future is. No matter how much you have lost.

Christ was crucified FOR YOU.

Christ is delivered TO YOU in Baptism. In Absolution. In the Supper.

Objectively and certainly.

Because this God wrapped in His Word and Sacraments in Christ is always gracious. Always forgiving.

He remembers that we are but dust. Therefore He does not break the bruised reed, nor does He put out the smoldering wick.

Your sins are forgiven.

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