
So You Wanna Tick Off A Confessional Lootran, Eh?

Top 10 ways to get under the skin of a Confessional Lutheran.

10. Tell them that oyster crackers and grape juice is communion.

Jesus used unleavened bread and wine, not oyster crackers and Welch's. We are foolish, foolish, foolish, to change the elements that Christ used. And by the way, we come to the altar to receive Christ, not sit in our pews and see if we're holy enough to actually partake.

9. Associate us with the ELCA.

The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) is the largest church body in the United State that bears the name Lutheran. Problem is, they're not Lutheran, like at all. The ELCA is theologically liberal, and we cringe when they use the name Lutheran. They don't stand for anything that Lutherans have stood for throughout history.

8. Tell us that modern day Lutherans are really synergistic Philippists.

Ah, no. We already had this controversy back in the day between the Gnesio Lutherans and the Philippists (named for Philip Melanchthon, who sadly compromised a lot in his later years). The Formula of Concord solves all of this. We're monergists in the purest sense of the term.

7. Tell us that Baptism is just a work of obedience.

Go ahead, try telling us that. You'll probably end up getting about 20 Scriptures in response.

6. Tell us that Martin Luther wouldn't be a Lutheran if he were alive today.

Do you even Small Catechism, yo?

5. Tell us that we're really no different than Roman Catholics.

Well, we are. That's kinda why Luther got excommunicated by Rome. We have much in common with them, that is true. But we differ on some very big issues. Like the Gospel.

4. Tell us that Luther was really a Calvinist.

This one is common. The Reformed want to claim Luther. Too bad he flatly rejected much of Reformed doctrine, such as limited atonement, "spiritual" presence only in the Eucharist, and the denial of baptismal regeneration. He also later in life rejected double predestination. Luther was definitely not a Calvinist. Monergist does not equal Calvinist. Sorry, but Luther thinks you're heretics.

3. Deny the Real Bodily Presence.

Oh boy. You don't even wanna go there. This (the bread) IS (is, is, IS) MY (Christ's) Body. Jesus hath spoken. Nuff said.

2. Tell us that we deny sola gratia (grace alone) and sola fide (faith alone) because of our sacramentalism.

Wait a second. We LIKE those terms. Of course, when one sees baptism and communion as works of obedience, then they get the means of grace wrong. Are they even listening? WE LIKE THOSE THINGS! WE BELIEVE THEM! Baptism and the Eucharist are gracious, not works.

And the number 1 way to tick off a Confessional Lutheran...

1. Call me a Pietist.

Do it. I'll sin in response.

1 comment:

  1. There are many confessional Lutherans who do not believe as you Lutherans do.

    We have many problems with the ELCA, to be sure, but we don't feel that we have to have a Southern Baptist doctrine of the Word to be a confessional Lutheran. or "3rd use", or closed communion.

    So there. I'm sure that ticked off something in you! : )
