
The Lonely Way and the Spectrum of Truth

No, this is not a post about Sasse's essays, although I certainly recommend them.

Truth is everywhere. From a Christian perspective, there is a spectrum of truth that varies from church to church. The point of the matter is, as a Christian, we are bound to the truth. Moreover, we are bound to the Truth (big T) who is Jesus Christ Himself. Therefore, I am going to assert that a Christian has a duty to attend church where truth is proclaimed at the highest level with the least amount of error. Let's be honest, there are many different church bodies out there with many different beliefs regarding the Christian faith.

Where do we start? Well, Rome has an answer in the infallible Church and teaching magisterium. Certainly, this is attractive, because they answer this question very definitively. They have a very rich tradition and the Papacy. Mainstream evangelicalism has an answer too. Allow the Spirit to lead you. Basically this amounts to a person in the corner on an island to themselves with their Bible, listening to the Spirit lead and speak. This approach, however, has lead to a million different views, all claiming that the Spirit led them to it. Can't be correct.

The best and most conservative manner in which to deal with this is to start with sola scriptura. But don't let the Roman Catholics try to tell you that this means everyone has their own private interpretation and it has led to 40,000 denominations. By that standard of measurement, there are multiple hundreds of Roman Catholics churches too. It simply means that Scripture is the sole infallible authority.

Do not discard tradition and the history of the church. These things tell us and show us how Christians have always worshiped and what Christians have always believed. When we do this, and learn from the great theological giants of the past, we should be able to easily rule out numerous branches of Christianity as the ones who contain the fullness of the truth. Many Christian churches out there disagree with what the Christian church has believed for 2000 years and frankly twist a lot of Scriptures to defend their doctrines, while claiming to hold to sola scriptura. They don't. They hold to nuda scriptura (me and my Bible in the corner...) or they have imposed some sort of Systematic Theology onto Scripture.

The three great ecumenical creeds are excellent guidelines. To deny those is dangerous. When those are rejected, new and novel doctrines that the church has never taught -and in many cases rejected as heretical- rush in to fill the void. If your church rejects any of the 3 ecumenical creeds (Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian) or specific parts in them, your church is off the rails on that specific doctrinal issue. For instance, if the Athanasian Creed is rejected in whole or in part, the Trinity gets rejected. If the Nicene Creed gets rejected in whole or in part, once again we may end up denying the Trinity. Or we end up rejecting the sacraments. Same thing with the Apostles Creed. The Nicene Creed alone rules out just about every church out there (I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins), save for three large ones. These are the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Confessional Lutheran.

Only one of those three teaches that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, and it's not the ones who teach justification by faith + works (Roman Catholic) or Theosis as a means to salvation (Eastern Orthodox).

In this manner, the Lutheran Church really is the lonely way. We retain and affirm heartily all three ecumenical creeds. Not because these creeds are above Scripture, but because these creeds accurately summarize what Scripture teaches and what the Christian church has always believed. Yet we also stand firm in our opposition to the impossibility of justification by good works. Sorry, but James 2, read in whole and in context, does not teach what Rome would have us believe unless James was using a 20th and 21st century colloquialism in the 1st century (So you see...etc.). Not to mention he pretty much says that our faith is shown by our works and so on.

Moreover, we also retain what the Christian church has always believed about the Sacraments of Holy Baptism, the Eucharist, and Absolution of sins.

So which church body out there teaches and delivers pure objective monergistic grace for the forgiveness of sins via Word and Sacrament, apart from our works? Just one.

It's why I am a Lutheran.


  1. Thank you for the post! I am switching from Reformed to Lutheran and this has helped.

  2. Adrienne - Great name by the way, my oldest daughter is named Adrienne.

    If you have any questions or need more information, you've come to the right place. Every blog contributor here is formerly Reformed and now Lutheran.

  3. It sounds like the Anglican church would fit in with the Lutherans here. Of course, there are all different kinds of Anglicans, but it seems like at least some of them would fit your criteria here. What do you think?
