
The Eucharist Also Gives *Bodily* Healing. Here's How.

The Eucharist gives forgiveness of sins.

And where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.

Yesterday when I partook of the Sacrament of the Altar, I was especially aware of my weakness in body and soul. I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot, and I was in a lot of pain. I am also divorced, and I still feel the pain of that, not to mention my own sinfulness.

All of the above made me aware yesterday as I partook of Christ's Body and Blood that His Flesh and His Blood not only give spiritual healing and forgiveness, but also physical healing.

The Resurrection is physical, and our resurrection is physical.

Christ restores all things, and He gives that pledge and testament by giving to us His Body and Blood in His Holy Supper.

And the priest after distributing says the following:

"May this true Body and true Blood of Christ preserve Thy body and soul unto everlasting life."

*Body* and soul.

Romans 8 speaks of the hope in the redemption of our *bodies*.

This fat man with plantar fasciitis in his left foot will be healed on the last day.

This broken man with his heart broken and his sins ever before him will see restoration and eradication of his sin nature on the last day.

We thank You, Lord, that You have refreshed us with this most salutary Gift.

Lord, now lettest Thy servant depart in peace. For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples.

This nightmare of a life is almost over.

And our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us.

But even now we get a taste of the restoration of all things in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Therefore with angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify Your glorious Name.

Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.

And Christ comes to us in the Sacrament of the Altar, giving us His Body and Blood to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of sins, and giving us a foretaste of the inheritance which is to come.

The inheritance where all death, pain, and sorrow will be wiped away forever.

The inheritance where everything will be restored.

The inheritance where this nightmare will be over, and it will be as if only a dream.

Now we see through a glass darkly, but soon we will see face to face.

And when we see Him, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.

And he who has this hope in Him purifies himself, even as He is pure.

This Blessed Hope is realized in His Holy Supper, as He continually comes to us and for us.

We don't have to wait for the last day to experience this. We experience it now, as Christ comes to us in His Supper.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

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